ento blog slouží jako část 3 o "Zlatém státě", takže doporučujeme přečíst si naše předchozí blogy části 1 a části 2, pokud jste tak ještě neučinili!
Náš tým pokračuje v práci na legendární pobřežní vyhlídkové trase CA-1/US-101, která je od základu přepracována. Tentokrát se tým soustředí na rekonstrukci dálnice mezi Santa Cruz a San Luis Obispo. Podél této části CA-1 budete projíždět známými pobřežními oblastmi, jako je Big Sur, San Carpoforo Creek a Willow Creek.
As you may know, this highway is incredibly scenic and will feature many bridges and creeks which lead onto the beautiful California coastline. It is a must-drive for any American road-tripper.. or trucker!
We've also been working on part of the I-5, running between the south of Huron to Bakersfield. Along this route you'll find a mix of scenic landscapes, landmarks, and points of interest, making it a notable route for travellers. This segment of I-5 also traverses the San Joaquin Valley, which is also known for its agricultural richness and diverse scenery.
You'll be sure to find scenic landscapes and a typical Californian climate environment when travelling on this part of the Interstate!
The historic US-99, also known as the Golden State Highway, is also another route our team has been focusing on during this phase of the rework. Meandering through a diverse California landscape, the US-99 showcases the state's natural beauty. The highway will also take you past charming towns and cities, each with its unique character and landmarks.
The route also offers glimpses of California's cultural and agricultural heritage, making it a delightful journey for those seeking the state's nostalgic charm.
Can you guess where these were taken?
Tým byl tak laskavý, že nám poskytl několik obrázků z jejich postupu při přepracování Kalifornie. Rozhodli jsme se tedy, že by pro vás bylo zábavné uhodnout umístění těchto screenshotů!
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